TACT project Automated non-destructive testing of composite parts
Manufacturing & operating costs reductions + Resilience enhancement + 4.0
Factory of the future
Customer needs
Designing an automated Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) process for composite parts, such is the challenge taken up by Cetim as part of the collaborative R&D TACT project (Technologies for warm composite airframes).
Customer benefits
An Automated non-destructive testing demonstrator for composite parts ready for its industrialization
Cetim answer
Initially, Cetim evaluated several NDT methods, in particular: phased array ultrasonic testing, active infrared thermography testing and air-coupled ultrasonic testing. The results of the study showed that active infrared thermography is particularly suitable for composite materials Works continued with the automation of the NDT process using a collaborative robot.
Delivered results
The demonstrator covers the positioning of the part by the robot, the synchronized activation of heating by two halogen lights, the acquisition of the thermal sequence by the camera, the processing of the signal and the automatic detection of defects by image analysis. Partners Nimitech (leader of the project), Cetim Sud-Ouest, Airbus, Liebherr Aerospace, ESI Group and Institut Clément Ader (Mines d’Albi). Funding This project was selected by the French single interministerial fund (Fonds Unique Interministériel, FUI) and was awarded a label by the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster. It is funded by BPI France and the Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie French regions.