

Tests and simulation on an XXL gasket

Combining tests and numerical modelling tools has enabled IRSN to characterise the sealing performance of polymer seals used in powerplants. 

Customer requirement

Based on the results of tests carried out on a small-scale model and using numerical simulation tools, assessing the performance of elastomer gaskets qualified for nuclear applications in order to validate the performance of a full-size gasket in various configurations and environments.

The case

In a nuclear powerplant, the building in which the reactor operates is designed to prevent any risk of leakage of radioactive elements into the external environment. However, there are walkways for the personnel to access the building and take equipment inside. They are sealed with silicone gaskets qualified for nuclear applications. As part of safety requirements, their performance must be checked over a ten-year period. Some tests are performed under normal conditions of use. Others are carried out under conditions that may occur during an accidental situation (high temperature, pressure rise, irradiation, etc.). These tests are implemented by IRSN with a small-scale model of the sealing system on a gasket that has a real cross-sectional diameter and which has previously undergone accelerated aging. The next step is to extrapolate the results to those that could be obtained with a gasket that may have an actual developed length of more than twenty meters.


Working in partnership

This approach requires both the proficient use of numerical modelling tools and thorough expertise regarding the behaviour of materials. It also requires the ability to deftly interpret the results of the tests and those obtained by calculation. “Cetim has such skills and expertise. They are perfectly matched with those of our experts and test engineers. The joint work of multidisciplinary teams is key to the success of such a project”, explained Georges Nahas, research engineer at IRSN. Therefore, using the test results and advanced simulation tools that take into account representative defects, this collective work has made it possible to validate the behaviour of the full-size gasket under normal and accidental conditions of use. “Accordingly, we have developed a tool which, depending on the influential parameters, helps to determine the limits of sealing performance. As such, we can identify under which configurations leaks are likely to occur and therefore prevent them”, added Georges Nahas.


At a glance

Cetim’s solution

Analysing the results of tests carried out by IRSN on the model of the sealing system under normal and accidental conditions of use. Developing the numerical model representing the sealing system at scale 1, taking into account its environment. Simulating the behaviour of the gasket in various configurations by integrating representative defects.  

Extensive expertise in the field of sealing which allows us to support manufacturers of all sectors, including the nuclear energy sector, in the process of validating their sealing systems. Ability to numerically model non-linear behaviours taking into account the environment, the influential parameters and representative defects.

Customer benefits

Expertise in the behaviour of materials, the numerical modelling of a sealing system and interpreting the results of tests and finite element calculations.

Delivered results

The sealing performance of the gasket was assessed by means of sophisticated tests and numerical calculations.

The results obtained will make it possible to capitalise on the results of IRSN’s experimental programme by developing a tool that can determine in which configurations the required level of tightness is guaranteed by adjusting the influential parameters.

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French public expert in the research and investigation of nuclear and radiological risks.
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