KSB is one of Areva’s top suppliers. Among other products, the company provides the nuclear plant manufacturer with butterfly valves for primary and auxiliary systems as well as for cooling systems.
Obviously, these valves are subject to very strict specifications. “We have to prove that they correspond to our calculations and that they meet the obligations stipulated by the customer, explains Thierry Lafarelle, KSB’s nuclear valve development manager. In particular, we need to prove that our products can withstand a certain number of cycles without excessive wear and in compliance with criteria (strength, pressure, leak rate, etc.) consistent with Areva’s requirements.”
Dynamic tests
But the French Nuclear Safety Authority’s requirements and, thus, Areva’s requirements, have been reinforced since the accident of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan in March 2011. This is why KSB requested Cetim to carry out a series of endurance tests on a butterfly valve (nominal diameter 300 mm) for Areva NP Taishan. Dynamic and ageing tests were performed and involved several series of hundreds of cycles under various flows and pressures as well as periodic leaktightness checks.
For Cetim, these tests require the implementation of data acquisition and cycle programming systems as well monitoring and alarm modules to secure the line.
The tests of the valve were successful and KSB has just entrusted Cetim with a new batch of five valves for Areva TA’s Jules Horowitz reactor (Areva TA RJH batch D05).