Vibratory failure analysis

Expert know-how in noise and vibrations

Your expectations

• Identify the causes for abnormal vibrations or noise from your equipment and facilities which tend to cause premature break or wear

• Implement solutions to reduce or suppress these vibrations  on your rotating machinery, pipes, moving parts or components

• Secure your investments by keeping optimal operating conditions

Our solutions

• Definition of the best instrumentation methodology,

• Vibration diagnosis of equipment or installations, based on on-site instrumentation and data acquisition, followed by signal analysis,

• Research of technical solutions by experts specialising in industrial installations,

• Implementation of solutions to minimise noise and vibration,

• Setting up monitoring and surveillance systems (SHM)

Your benefits

•  Cetim, independent and neutral technical centre, is a leader in mechanical failure analysis, backed by over 50 years' experience and 1,500 new cases handled each year in all areas of mechanics: mechanical, metallic, plastic and composite damage, ...

•  Cetim can combine its expertise with consultancy (redesign, process improvement), turning failure into a "profitable experience",

•  Support via adapted and customisable Cetim Academy® training courses, with Qualiopi certification

Case studies