Safety : ensure your tanks comply with regulations

Storage tank frangibility study
Your expectations
- Controlling the risks on your equipment
- Obtaining an objective diagnosis on the condition of your storage tanks
- Implementing corrective measures rapidly in case of non-compliance with the regulations
Our solutions
The Cetim offers you a customised comprehensive service adapted to your expectations ans facility, with a detailed report and calculation assumptions:
- Technical assistance for the collection of the data required for the frangibility study
- Finite element simulation of tank's mechanical behaviour
- Tanks modification proposal (frangibility, pitting, etc.)
- Assistance in your relationship with ministerial authorities
Your benefits
The Cetim offers you an acknowledged and unchallenged expertise in the field of tanks control:
- 20 years' feedback on frangibility studies
- The Cetim is a member of the CODRES drafting committee (code de construction des résevoirs de stockage cylindriques verticaux, construction code for vertical cylindrical storage tanks), issued by the Union for Sheet Metal Work, Piping and Industrial Maintenance - Syndicat de la Chaudronnerie, de la Tuyauterie et de la Maintenance Industrielle (SNCT)
- A range of additional services: non-destructive tests, analysis, simulation, etc.
Case studies
Storage tank frangibility study