Our technical expertise fully dedicated to find the best process for your company

Process-product optimization
Your expectations
- strenghten your company's position and minimize the risks caused by new productions
- integrate thinking on the best way to manufacture the product from its very design
- consider your product from its design with the aim to ensure an efficient and profitable production
- increase your profitability on well-tried productions
- better size your needed production means and resources.
Our solutions
- (Re)-design to objective cost. Design for assembly (DFA)
- Operation sécurity, AMDEC (Analysis of Failure Modes, of their Effects and of their Critical character)
- material characterization
- product-process functional optimization
- technical and economical feasibility studies on our validation platforms
- industrialization studies
- project management support to set up innovative production resources
Your benefits
Cetim's offers expert engineers on each subject : design, materials, organization, processs to help you
• increase the performance level of the product
• decrease your costs
• optimize productivity and profitability for existing productions
• simplify flows
to increase your industrial profitability
Case studies
Process-product optimization