Réduction emprunte carbone
Réduction emprunte carbone

Reduce the environmental impact of your industrial activities

Circular economy, clean technologies and products, production waste, effluents, soil pollution, air pollution… Cetim provides you with independent and tailor-made assistance.

Your expectations

  • Show/demonstrate to your markets and customers that the carbon footprint of your industrial activities has been optimised (for example: reduced CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions) and your environmental impact has been reduced (water, air, soil, etc.)
  • Develop and market clean, safe and energy-efficient products, processes and technologies that promote your image and make you stand out from the competition on your markets
  • Monitor and comply with the applicable laws and regulations
  • Change your practices to integrate these challenges in a useful and pragmatic manner
  • Obtain your ISO 14001 certification
  • Increase the service life and reliability of your products or facilities

Our solutions


  • Eco-design of your products and processes (life cycle-oriented reflection)
    • Methodological assistance based on the MAIECO standardised method
    • Help with the selection of technological solutions with regard to materials, assemblies, etc. (for example: reduced product weight, reduced carbon footprint, longer product life, etc.)
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), either simplified or standardised (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044)
  • Environmental assessment and communication (carbon footprint, Environmental and Health Declaration Form, Product Environmental Profile, Environmental Product Declaration, etc.)
  • Energy efficiency of processes and products
  • Optimised use of resources (durability, reliability and maintainability of products and equipment)
  • Waste processing and recovery, recycling
  • Effluent management
  • Management of contaminated sites and soils
  • Monitoring and implementation of your regulatory obligations (T-KIT watch tool)

Case studies