Circular economy, clean technologies and products, production waste, effluents, soil pollution, air pollution… Cetim provides you with independent and tailor-made assistance.

Reduce the environmental impact of your industrial activities
Your expectations
- Show/demonstrate to your markets and customers that the carbon footprint of your industrial activities has been optimised (for example: reduced CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions) and your environmental impact has been reduced (water, air, soil, etc.)
- Develop and market clean, safe and energy-efficient products, processes and technologies that promote your image and make you stand out from the competition on your markets
- Monitor and comply with the applicable laws and regulations
- Change your practices to integrate these challenges in a useful and pragmatic manner
- Obtain your ISO 14001 certification
- Increase the service life and reliability of your products or facilities
Our solutions
- Eco-design of your products and processes (life cycle-oriented reflection)
- Methodological assistance based on the MAIECO standardised method
- Help with the selection of technological solutions with regard to materials, assemblies, etc. (for example: reduced product weight, reduced carbon footprint, longer product life, etc.)
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), either simplified or standardised (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044)
- Environmental assessment and communication (carbon footprint, Environmental and Health Declaration Form, Product Environmental Profile, Environmental Product Declaration, etc.)
- Energy efficiency of processes and products
- Optimised use of resources (durability, reliability and maintainability of products and equipment)
- Waste processing and recovery, recycling
- Effluent management
- Management of contaminated sites and soils
- Monitoring and implementation of your regulatory obligations (T-KIT watch tool)