Cellule robotisée Cetim
Cellule robotisée Cetim

Innovative and differentiative production technologies

Your processes become a real competitive asset

Your expectations

• increase the value of the products and services you offer to your customers and your company’s profitability
• become the premium choice for your customers
• validate your choices with contained-cost preseries
• make good and objective investment choices for your mechanical equipment according to your strategy
• make right technological choices.

Our solutions

After a full analysis of your current situation, Cetim recommends the best technological solutions for you and helps you enforce them.
• products audit
• suggestions of innovative technological solutions according to your environment
• technical and economical feasibility studies on our testing and validation platforms
• pricing, time and cost capitalization
• changing and staff support, trainings

Machining (5 axes, robot, vibratory drilling...), assembly (bonding, mecano welding, riveting, bolting, clinching...), stamping, adiabatic blanking, digital process simulation, forging, large deformation processes, powder metallurgy (compression, laser sintering, laser fusion, CGV, MIM, direct manufacturing, SPS...)

Your benefits

• our shared technical platforms reduce risks and ease skill acquisition
• you have access to our network of scientific and industrial partners
• you save time, which allows you to improve your skills in new technologies for the benefit of your company
• investment simplicity and relevance
• objective investment choices (apart from bidders' offers).

Case studies