The advice of multi-skilled experts to implement an alternative to metals

Testing and analysing polymer/composite materials
Your expectations
As part of the design or development of your products, you need to:
- Characterise and qualify composite, plastic and elastomer materials according the expected applications
- Validate the behaviour predicted by the calculation of your parts or structures including these materials
Our solutions
Our experts provide you an overal support to characterise and analyse the behaviour of composite, plastic and elastomer materials
- Definition of test protocols according to materials and expected functions
- Characterisation of materials, determination of behaviour laws using innovative methods, special fixtures (such as compression and shear), impact tests, etc.
- Standardised tests
- Mechanical and physical-chemical tests
- Estimation of services lives and ageing tests (climatic, creep, fatigue, etc.)
- Use of advance simulation equipment in order to establish calculation/tests correlations
- Material health control
HyMEET, our technological platform dedicated to H2, provides mechanical engineering with resources and skills needed to master low-carbon hydrogen production, distribution, storage and utilization technologies. HyMEET combines an ambitious R&D program with a €25 million investment in resources dedicated to characterization and validation tests (up to 1000 bar and in a range of temperatures from deep cryogenics to high temperatures) as well as consulting and training.
Its activities are dedicated to:
- Characterizing the behavior of materials in contact with hydrogen
- Development of specific test methods
- Characterization of specific mechanical equipment and systems in severe hydrogen environments.
Our equipment enables:
- Mechanical characterization of materials using fatigue machines in a high-pressure hydrogen environment
- Control of sealing systems and plant containment, with test benches developed to study gas diffusion phenomena, resistance to rapid decompression and sealing performance under severe conditions
- The study of the ageing of test specimens in high-pressure autoclaves
- Tests under cryogenic conditions for the use of hydrogen in liquid form, with several cryostats fed by a helium-hydrogen liquefier
- Multiphysics tests with pressure, temperature and .... cycling.
- Manufacture of thermoplastic composite parts (tanks, tubes) by in-situ deposition and consolidation (in real time, with no further steps required) using our HySPIDE TP robotized cell.
Our specific services for testing thermoplastic composites:
- H2 permeation tests
- Characterisation of behaviour in H2 environment and over a wide temperature range (from 20K)
- Thermomechanical characterisation of materials (-269°C to 220°C)
Your benefits
Cetim's multiple competences associate the characterising and testing approach with expertise in design or redesign, failure analysis, as well as the consideration of severe environments and the development of multi-material parts or structures (composite, plastic, elastomer, metal, etc.).