Composite-triangle de suspension
Composite-triangle de suspension

Part and composite structure manufacturing engineering

Take advantage of all the performance of composite parts and structures

Your expectations

You want to succeed your transition from metallic parts or structures to composite materials and you need to acquire new know-how, or you want to improve your current manufacturing processes

Our solutions

We help you to design and develop your tools and to define optimal transformation parameters with tests.

Our workshops are fitted with comprehensive manufacturing equipment to perform tests and make pilot lots involving composite material manufacturing processes:

• manufacturing thermoplastic-matrix composites by thermal compression
• manufacturing of revolving parts by filament winding
• manufacturing of composite profils by pultrusion
• manufacturing of geometrical parts by resin injection (RTM, infusion)

Your benefits

• Our engineers and technicians will make you benefit from all skills - from design to implementation (safety, working conditions - noxiousness, environment) to the recycling of materials
• their industrial culture and assembling skills are keys for successful industrialisation
• Our technocampus EMC2 worshops are available to you in order to reduce your investment and implementation costs

Case studies